Thursday 5 May 2011


Evaluation of Education Assignment
The first part of the assignment process which I am going to evaluate is the blog. This blog was quite successful, being that I remembered to put my research and the whole process of the assignment on my blog this time, improving on last time where I kept forgetting to do so. With this blog, I ended up putting most of the things on my blog right at the end because I was so focused on actually getting the work done, but at least this time I actually remembered to put it on there at all.
The second part of the assignment process which I am going to evaluate is working as part of a group. In my group there were four photographers and no stylists, so it was more difficult for us to decide on clothing. However, I think we all worked together very well. We each were in charge of an outfit to style and a stereotype to shoot and edit, and we all got a say in everything, so we all got on with the work very well. Overall, we all had equal roles as photographers and stylists in this assignment.
I am now going to evaluate the photoshoots. The test shoot that we did could probably have gone a bit better, as we could not get the model in for that day, and so I had to model instead for that one shoot. However it gave us the chance to make sure that everything went smoothly on the actual shoot, which it actually did. The model was good with contributing to pose, wardrobe and hair ideas, and nothing went drastically wrong, other than during the Twitter photoshoot, we forgot to change the background colour from red to blue, but we worked it out in the end and got some good final shots from it. We each shot our own stereotype, and then there was one left once we’d finished and so we each shot some photographs for that one.
The next part of the assignment which I am going to evaluate is the editing process. Each member of our group got to decide which photographs got to go into the final editorials. We made minimal changes to the actual photographs, because we got the lighting and model looking good enough so we did not have to change too much.
Finally, I am going to evaluate the final images and the layout. The layout features notebook-style lines, to make it seem like a school notebook that someone has doodled in. This works well as it fits with the education theme. We also put doodles around the edges of the images and chose borders for the images which we felt fit in with whatever particular stereotype we were showing. Overall, I think the images are very successful as single images and as part of an editorial. I like how all the photographs are against a coloured background so they seem like the typical school photographs. We put quotes on the final layouts as well, just to reinforce the theme of education. 

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