Wednesday 4 May 2011

Test shoot!!

These are some photographs from the test shoots that we did. They aren't brilliant because we couldnt get the model in for the day of the test shoots, so I had to do it instead. But this shows the type of things we were planning on getting during the final shoot with the real model. For the lighting, we just had one beauty dish, pointing down slightly at the model, because this seemed to get the best colour out of the background, whilst lighting the model as well. 

From looking at the test shoots, I could tell that the outfits were going to work really well during the actual shoot as well as during the test, so we did quite a good job at styling, considering we were four photography students with no past experience of styling in the past. The one which didnt work was the "Youtube", nerdy outfit, which originally consisted of a white shirt, black skirt and red cardigan. I'm glad we changed the idea for that outfit, as it just looks a bit strange and uncomfortable in the test shot. 

This test shoot helped us to see things which needed to be changed, such as the Youtube outfit, and developing and researching different poses to use in the final shoot.

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