Sunday 3 April 2011


So the new brief was given out a few weeks ago, and my computer has only just decided that it's going to let me access my blog! So now is as good a time as any to get started on researching

I have a group for this assignment, made up of four photographers - Me, Heather Whitfield, Sophie Morris and Alison O'keeffe. Obviously it is not ideal that we have 4 photographers instead of having some stylists to help with the styling side of the brief, but we seem to be getting on with that side of things okay.

We have decided to do our assignment based around stereotypes and social networking, which I think is an interesting way of interpreting Education. Young people seem to get most of their education from the internet these days, and the idea of looking good in a profile picture makes people want to educate themselves into making themself look better for that purpose and learn how to make themself into the stereotypical view of how a user of a particular networking site "should" look.
Also, people can find out a lot of gossip from Social Networking sites. This leads to social education as it is making people more in the know as to what is going on in the world of celebrity, or what is going on in their own lives.

The interpretations behind showing Education through Social Networking sites are endless!

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